Beloved Divine Presence, I
open my heart to you, to remember your constant presence in
my life. Help me to remember that your love is always with me...
your love that is without condition, without expectation, without
obligation. Help me to fan the flame that is You burning in
my heart. Let the light from that fire illuminate my being,
and shine into my world. Let me see You in my world, always.
Help me to love and respect all of your creation, as an expression
of my love communion with you.
I surrender my fear and expectations to the
awesome power of the love I feel from You within me. There is
nothing more than this. I open in this moment a direct channel
between my heart and You. I open this channel now, and I know
You in, and as me, in this moment. There is only this Oneness.
There is only You. There is only I AM.
In this place of pure I AM I feel the peace
and love that is You. There is no Other. There is only this.
Love. Creation. Absolute Peace. You. I AM.
And I know that this peace in me is You, and
I know that this peace in me shines into and becomes my world.
I am peace, my world is peace. There is only this. One. Love.
Divine Beloved, knowing You in my heart fills
me with gratitude. Gratitude for this day, for this life, gratitude
for all that is in this moment... gratitude for this moment
that is filled with your peace and love.
Beloved Divine Presence, in this gratitude,
I offer You my life that You have given me so freely. I am at
your service, in the Dream of Absolute Love. The Dream of Heaven
on Earth.
And in this gratitude, I simply say "Thank
And so it is.